So, 'i' guess here is where 'i' tell you how wonderful and fantastic 'i' am (which you will either doubt, roll your eyes or believe) and then you will probably check out my age, height, weight and eye colour hoping that I continue to fit the mould of your ideal match? I'll skip that part and let you decide for yourself. 'I' prefer my deeds to define who 'I' am and not my words; my deeds bear witness to my Way-Order-Systems of Life (Deen). 'My' intention is to sincerely establish a connection on a spiritual, intellectual and emotional level with my Equal, not my superior, never my inferior, absolutely not "my other half" but a Complete Whole (Individual) Twin Soul, 'my' First, Last, One and Only, and to hopefully paint the footprints of our future together. 'I' don't have any expectations because unconditional love is to let those we love to be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image, otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them